Senin, 18 Juli 2011

pathetic am I

just look at me dear
look at this dying deer

will you save me?
or you'll just shoot me?

then I'll look at your very eyes
when your hands frozen in the ice

will you shoot me to rest?
even if that's my last request

just look at me once again
coz my blood is boilin' in my vein

Am I pathetic dear?
is that all you want to hear?

you can shoot me swine!
while i'm emptying my glass of wine

if i'm just stuff for you
just put me away will you?

don't you know i'm suffering?
of course no, coz you never think

why dear?
why here?

if you know i'm gonna die?
will you look at my eye?

if there is no tomorrow
will you end my sorrow

and if I am pathetic
why'd the wall is thick

9 komentar:

  1. keren sekali ini kawan....!!!



  2. wasem.. sangar men we tus... apik apik.. untuk sebuah curhatan, saya merasa ini SANGAT BAGUS... :) keep on writing tuz.. hohoho

  3. PENGIKUT2 : wkwkwkwk

    @ YAS : kaek!! emoticon e nyebelin tenan... wkwkwk
    makasih2... hehehe

    @ epet : hahahahasem isin aku janne... cuman mending tak tulis san to... instant...

    @ Tyag : mtur nuwun... hahaha...

    @ all : emang sebegitu apik po????????

  4. yo asline si biasa wae tus.....^^v

    ora ra.....
    iki apik tenan, apalagi ini merupakan hasil karya seorang VITUS!!!!!

    seorang VITUS!!!!!

  5. gancuk... malah ngece.... damn....

    yes this is VITUS!!!

    A VITUS!!!!


    unfortunately THIS VITUS can share his minds kan??? hahahhaa

  6. hmmm, karya yang bagus..
    tapi gonku y d follow ndes!

  7. hahaha.....

    kau juga kan juga pembual cuk... pembual para gadis... wkkwkwwk/...... dasar....
